Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nicoletta Mantovani-- A Woman Reborn

November 13, 2012 at 8:47am

Today, there are over 50 publications reporting on this story, which is important news in Italy.  I've translated one more link, from Ferrara, where Dr. Zamboni's trial is beginning.  Please note that the reporter states that Dr. Zamboni is going up against powerful opponents--namely the pharmaceutical industry and neurologists in their employ.   Miss Mantovani and Dr. Zamboni and all of us around the world are requesting clinical trials for his procedure. Independent research, without corporate interest.  Joan

Zamboni Method, Nicoletta Mantovani is reborn from multiple sclerosis

The weekly People Pavarotti's widow says her relief from this illness is thanks to the care created by the Professor from Ferrara. But his clinical trial Brave Dreams, operating for just a short time, is already receiving criticism from some medical journals
by Marco Zavagli | Ferrara | 13 November 2012

A woman reborn. Reborn from the disease, multiple sclerosis. Thanks to the care of Dr. Zamboni.  She has always believed and experimented in care for MS, with which she has struggled for years.

She is the honorary president of CCSVI in MS society, a non-profit organization and she is also sick. A president who has been known to be such. Nicoletta Mantovani, the widow of Luciano Pavarotti has been able to get in line and wait her turn. She did not "run away" abroad, as they must do in Canada, where the angioplasty intervention for obstructed neck veins is now on the agenda. She was patient like everyone else. Without utilizing the benefits that the money and fame could provide.

And today, as she confided in an interview published in People, she is "a woman reborn." 

"Six months after the operation I consider myself cured of multiple sclerosis," said the week after the surgery performed in April at the Sant'Anna di Ferrara relying on the Zamboni method. A sort of testament of the goodness of the university teacher of Ferrara, who in 2008 discovered a correlation between multiple sclerosis and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. The method - now very well known - is intervening in some veins of the neck to remove obstruction and thus allow normal blood flow to the brain, thus avoiding, according to Zamboni, the abnormal accumulation of iron found in multiple sclerosis.

Nicoletta Mantovani, who is now 43 years old, showed the first symptoms of the disease at 18 years, a disease that has progressed to 25 years making her life hell. Then the knowledge of Professor Zamboni and his faith, apparently paid off, in this therapy.

Yet, despite that Nicoletta Mantovani is not the only one to experience this "redemption" from multiple sclerosis, Dr. Zamboni's method must still fight against different opponents. Both in neurology, both in the pharmaceutical industry. The last criticism, scientific, testing Brave Dreams (short for BRainVEnousDRainageExploitedAgainstMultiple Sclerosis, make venous drainage against multiple sclerosis), bold dreams, came just a month ago from the COSMO study that showed a low frequency of CCSVI in patients with Multiple Sclerosis,  with no significant differences compared to healthy populations.

Meanwhile, however, the official clinical trial - which began in July after the clearance from the ministry of health - will go ahead and see one of the first centers open in Emilia-Romagna at the University Hospital of Ferrara (the center for coordination at national level) and the University of Bologna.

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