Saturday, May 16, 2015

Blood flow matters

If you ever wondered whether blood flow was important to brain health, all you would have to do is read about three new MS drug trials announced in the past month.

All three of these compounds have been shown in EAE mouse trials to reduce symptoms, reduce inflammation and slow progression of MS.  All three have been touted as "neuroprotective."

But all three of these medications have a very similar known method of action (MOA) in humans.  All have been used for years for cardiovascular and stroke patients.  All have an effect on the endothelium and release nitric oxide and lower blood pressure.  All three deal with "hypoperfusion", or reduced blood flow.

They all widen blood vessels, and increase blood flow to and from the brain.

guanabenz-- relaxes blood vessels so that blood may pass through more easily.

ibudilast-- increases cerebral blood flow, is a vasodilator

biotin---decreases blood pressure, increases blood flow, treats ischemia (low O2) after stroke

That's right.  MS researchers have learned from Dr. Zamboni's discovery of CCSVI and slowed cerebral blood flow and hypoperfusion in the MS brain.

But they do not want patients to try "alternative treatments"; to have venous malformations treated, or to receive HBOT treatment,  or have atlas adjustments, or to eat better, quit smoking, get UV rays or exercise more.  All of these alternatives have been scientifically shown to increase cerebral blood flow and perfusion.  These alternatives will help people with MS live healthier lives.  But they will not help MS researchers.

MS researchers would prefer it if you would take a pill.  That way, their research labs will remain funded.  That way, they receive finders' fees when you are enrolled in a drug trial.
(Up to $5,000 per patient!)

That way, they can receive speakers' fees, and have wonderful conferences, and do not have to address the elephant in the room----that the EAE model of MS is not MS.  EAE has been used to create a $20 billion dollar a year drug industry, based on immune modulation and ablation, but has not stopped MS disease progression in humans.

There is most certainly a problem with cerebral blood flow and hypoperfusion in people with MS.  In fact, all diseases of neurodegeneration have hypoperfusion.

I simply wonder when the MS industry will admit that the new target of "neuroprotection", simply means increasing blood flow to neurons and myelin in the hypoperfused MS brain.

Still waiting,

This picture on the left is from Dr. Zamboni and Dr. Simka---it illustrates how cerebral blood flow becomes blocked, refluxes up jugular veins and goes to less efficient, collateral veins in CCSVI,  creating hypoperfusion.  I know it's real, because it's what my husband had on MRV (see pic on right)  And there is no pill in the universe that could have restored Jeff's blood flow.  He needed venous repair, and a new lifestyle.  Six years later, no MS progression.  This is real.


  1. che dire, i dogmi, resi assoluti in medicina, quando si stabilisce il Business-Idiozia-Uomo ! .... purtroppo ! MA, la logica, nel tempo lumaca , dopo tanti lutti addotti, riesce, per fortuna, sempre ad emergere affermarsi .

  2. Thank you for this, Joan. I am glad to learn about other medications aside from the ones big pharma is pushing. I appreciate you spreading awareness about the relationship of brain health and blood flow. Great work.

    1. Sure, Cathy! But I actually believe people can do this for themselves, without any medicine. There is scientific evidence that lifestlye, exercise, stress reduction, better sleep, UV ray therapy, quitting smoking, whole food nutrition and other means all increase cerebral blood flow. Without any pills! Here's the program Jeff has been on for 7 years now--no MS progression, no relapses, still jogging and working. I created it when I saw the vascular connection to his disease, even before I read Dr. Zamboni's research. I sent it to Stanford, and it's how I met the vascular doctors there.

  3. Replies
    1. You're welcome! Hope this info can help others.

  4. I was diagnosed with MS in 2002. I had CCSVI done, performed by Dr. John Iljas in MI in October 2017. There was 70% blockage on the right and 90% on the left! Because it was a vascular issue, insurance covered the procedure. One month later, my physical therapists and doctors are amazed at the obvious connection between CCSVI and MS, evidenced by my huge improvements in strength, balance and endurance. I shudder to think of the consequences of arriving at 100% blockage on the left had I not discovered the procedure on my own!

    1. Hi anonymous---Thank you for posting! I am glad to know you were tested, treated and are doing better. Yes, vascular issues are covered under insurance. Although CCSVI is not a recognized condition---severe venous stenosis, as you had, is covered. Continue to eat well, exercise, deal with stress, get good sleep , lots of hydration, and heal. You want to maintain the endothelial cell health of your blood vessels. Be well!
