Sunday, February 2, 2020

Endothelial Health goes mainstream...

.... and you can stream a new documentary to learn more.

Thanks to my son and daughter in law for the head's up on the documentary, THE GAME CHANGERS

Presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jackie Chan  — a revolutionary new film about optimum health and strength.  You can view it now on Netflix.

My family told me I needed to watch it, because it was documenting what I have been harping on for years.  My son saw me change his Dad's diet and lifestyle, and has heard me discussing this topic for over twelve years.   Mainly, the importance of endothelial health, and how eating plants full of anti-oxidants and phytonutrients increases nitric oxide availability, helps endothelial cells, and increases blood flow to all of our body, most importantly our brains.   

Nutrition is a very large componant of my program, which also includes physical activity, good sleep, sunshine, meditation, probiotics, minerals, smoking cessation, and laughter.   Each and every one of these measures is known to increase nitric oxide, which relaxes our blood vessels and increases blood flow.  This is how we can combat the hypoperfusion, or slowed and restricted cerebral bloodflow, seen in MS, Alzheimer's, dementia and Parkinson's.  These are things we can do for ourselves.  

This new movie is focused on elite athletes who utilize plant-based diets to achieve optimum strength and endurance.  And while I do not specifically advocate a vegan lifestyle in The Endothelial Health Program,   I suggest that people with MS favor whole foods and plants, to increase nitric oxide. (There are conflicting views on animal protein within the field of experts, and I DO NOT go into the weeds on this topic.)  My approach has always been to look at positive environmental measures people with MS can take to feel better.   And eating more plants will help accomplish that goal.

In the film, Dr. James Vogel, co-chair of the NFL subcommittee on Cardiovascular Health, discusses the importance of eating plants to increase available nitric oxide and increase blood flow.  He even speaks of the endothelium, and uses the image shown below. (YES!)

Truly, The Endothelial Program works.  Jeff remains on it.   He's still jogging, biking, writing music, traveling, living life, with no MS progression, no new lesions, and a reversal of his gray matter atrophy.  His most recent MRI shows continued healing of his brain, now 13 years since his diagnosis.

With the help of our vegan son and daughter in law, we have learned how to incorporate even more plants into our diet, boosting nitric oxide and reducing inflammatory foods.   Like jackfruit (google it!), legumes, tempeh, and lots more greens.

My hope for all of us, as we begin a new decade, is that we can take care of ourselves, our families, our communities, and discover that there are many things we can do to improve our own health and the health of our planet.

Be well,
