Sunday, January 23, 2022

Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and MS

The association of the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and multiple sclerosis is one that has evolved over of decades of research.  95% of all humans carry the dormant or "latent" EBV virus.  But in people with MS, there is an activation of the virus, which is seen in tissue of autopsied brains. 

I wrote about this connection exactly 10 years ago.

EBV is in the news a decade later, because researchers at Harvard have a new study published in Science

Their conjecture is that if people are never infected with EBV, they will never develop MS.  Well, that would be wonderful!  Incredible.  An end to MS.  An EBV vaccine will be developed, and it may well help future generations.  But what about the people alive today on the planet, the 95% of us who are already infected with EBV?  

Back in 2011, researchers at Buffalo Neuroimmaging Analysis Center published a paper in Expert Reviews on how venous stasis (or impeded blood flow out of the brain) might be responsible for a reactivation of EBV.  This paper no longer exists online, which is heart-breaking to me.  The only place I found links to this hypothesis was in my writing.  

But I would like to suggest that this be further explored. 

The association between EBV infection and CCSVI has not yet been explored; however, it could be hypothesized that venous stasis in the superior saggital sinus due to extracranial outflow impairment could affect the drainage of bridging veins that pass through the subarachnoid space (near the meninges and EBV-infected B-cell follicles) and contribute to EBV activation. The venous stasis hypothesis in the SSS may contribute to understanding why so many different viruses and bacteria [3,111] have been linked to increased MS susceptibility risk over the last 50 years.

I have stopped following MS research and writing about it for many reasons.  Jeff continues to do quite well, and I am not the person to be giving out medical advice.  

Follow the ISNVD.  Listen to experts.  Take care of yourselves. 
Be well,


  1. Allone this kind of paintings makes me down. Pls try not to illustrate this in this corona clothing. I hate it, it comes out off my throat. Believe me. More than me are ready with this "hype". When the day will come and it is said that we are participate a biological war, then I will be glad. I will have had right in certain visions..... Thank you for allowing me to materialize some thoughts.

  2. Hi unknown. The illustration is of EBV virus, not corona. I got it from a Health Central article. But your comment is a further illustration of why I no longer engage in online discussions. I have no idea who you are, or why you felt it important to make this comment. please saty well, stay offline for your own mental health. Joan

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Like you Joan, I am no longer active in MS matters online. Since Ella died of cancer there is no need for me to put myself in the firing line of misunderstandings and resentments. I’m pleased to hear that Jeff is continuing to flourish. Best wishes. Michèle Findlay

  4. Love you Joan!
    Thank you for your awesome research since 2009.
    I am so greatful for the supportive community you have created.


  5. Put a smile on my face seeing you post today. Glad you and Jeff are doing well. As am I, now 11 years later where oh where has the time gone. Take Care.
